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ACHTUNG! Bei Lieferung sind unsere Artikel nicht laminiert und nicht geschnitten. Die im Katalog eventuell dargestellten Organisationshilfsmittel wie Schachteln, Karteikästen und ähnliches sind nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten. Wir haben dieses Zubehör nur zu Demonstrationszwecken verwendet!
Kurzbeschreibung Cosmic – Biology
Umfang The 'Body’ section consists of 3 A4 pictures with blank labels, 3 A4 control cards, and 36 small word cards. 32 picture cards show the parts of the body, and there are a further 32 word cards to go with them. The ‘Senses’ section consists of 5 picture cards with drawings of the parts of the body that correspond to the 5 senses (ear, mouth, eye, hand, nose), and word cards with these parts, the senses and the corresponding verbs (e.g. eye, sight, see). In addition there are 15 picture cards (an ice cream, a ball, a rose, a trumpet, etc.) that can be matched to the senses. The ‘Care’ section consists of 6 sides showing 6 different ways of caring for the body in words and with pictures. Words and sentences can be matched to the pictures. The individual words can be used to build sentences
Alter Kindergarten, 1. Schulstufe, 2. Schulstufe
Herstellung All of the cards are meant to be laminated (recommended laminate thickness: 90-125 micron). The individual cards need to be cut out. Sides not to be laminated: none Sides or cards to be bound into a booklet: none
Inhalt / Lehrplanbezug There are 3 aspects to the work about the body: The children can learn the names of the body parts, they can match the senses to the corresponding parts of the body and they can build sentences about body care in each of which the verb is highlighted
Einsatzmöglichkeiten Possible application in connection with topics or projects such as: ‘Our Bodies’, ‘Your Senses’, ‘Body Care’ Free time activity, individual work, pair work, small group work
Vorbereitungen To work with this material, the children require: books, large sheets of paper, painting materials
Arbeitsweise The children lay out and match the cards
Selbstkontrolle For the body, the A4 control cards can be used. Coloured control points can be put on the reverse side of the cards with the senses. Sentences with the individual word cards can be checked by referring to the complete sentence cards
Erfahrungen, Tipps, Hinweise his material should be kept in three separate containers according to the topic. The children can draw around the parts of their own bodies (or a partner’s body), and paint and/or label the outline. Actual everyday objects should be used together with the part ‘Senses’. A ‘Senses Day’, when objects/foods are felt, smelt, tasted, heard and seen is very popular with the children
Artikelnummer 0441020
AutorIn Wolfgang Schmidt
Mitwirkende Georg Breiner, Beatrice Deveaux, Paul Read

1 Kunststoffbox A4, 2 Kunststoffboxen A6, erhältlich unter:


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