Kurzbeschreibung | Mathematics – Geometry |
Umfang | The material consists of: Activity cards (A5) with 14 cards printed on both sides (including 2 cards with an overview of the geometric shapes needed), instructions for the game ‘Pythagoras’ Theorem’, 26 task cards, 12 solution photos, and 4 templates for the required triangles and squares |
Alter | ohne spez. Angabe |
Herstellung | All of the cards are meant to be laminated (recommended laminate thickness: 90-125 micron). First trim the edges of the laminated cards, then cut exactly down the middle to obtain 2 A5 cards. Cut out the cards with the tasks and solutions individually. Copy the templates on card of appropriate colour. Sides not to be laminated: 2 pages with the 4 templates Sides or cards to be bound into a booklet: none |
Inhalt / Lehrplanbezug | Fundamental geometric terms, spatial awareness, hands-on familiarisation with Pythagoras’ Theorem |
Einsatzmöglichkeiten | Possible application in connection with topics or projects such as: geometry, geometric shapes, triangles and squares, etc. Free work, individual work, pair work, small group work |
Vorbereitungen | To work with this material, the children require: a floor mat or felt board, wooden blocks from the company Prüfl, scissors, glue, paper |
Arbeitsweise | The children can be introduced to the topic by playing the game ‘Pythagoras’ Theorem’. The children can get a feel for the different shapes before working with the A5 cards and tackling the tasks |
Selbstkontrolle | The children can check their progress by referring to the reverse side of the cards, and by looking at the control photos |
Erfahrungen, Tipps, Hinweise | The copied templates can be used both for creating and gluing patterns, and for creating booklets. The children can complete the tasks, and glue their patterns into a booklet. The patterns can be labelled, and the booklet can be used for reference |
Artikelnummer | 0421033 |
AutorIn | Wolfgang Schmidt |
Mitwirkende | Review: Beatrice Deveaux, Idea: Axel Holtz Translation: Paul Read |
Zusatzmaterial | Pythagorasmaterial aus Holz bei Prüfl: http://www.pruefl.com/presta/geometrie/282-pythagorasmaterial-st-3.html |
Downloads | Kopiervorlage für Pythagoras Fraktale Kopiervorlage für rote Quadrate Kopiervorlage für gelbe Quadrate |
Präsentationsmaterial | 1 Kunststoffbox A5, erhältlich unter: http://www.pruefl.com/ |
Insidertipps | Laminieren, Binden, Eckenrunden, ... im Blog unter: http://lernplatz.blogspot.co.at/p/tipps.html |
Pythagoräischer Lehrsatz
14,80 €Inkl. 10% MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
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