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PLEASE NOTE! When delivered, our products are neither cut nor laminated. The accessories, like perspex boxes, file caskets and so on, that are sometimes shown in the catalogue, were only taken to demonstrate a possible use of our items. They are not part of the item itself and not included
Kurzbeschreibung Cosmic – Biology
Umfang The material covers 32 different dog breeds. There are picture cards with the name of each breed. On the reverse side is a short description of the breed. There are a further 32 cards without the breed names, and 32 loose name cards. Furthermore there are a number of templates, which can be used for other dog breeds or a booklet
Alter 2. Schulstufe, 3. Schulstufe, 4. Schulstufe
Herstellung All of the cards are meant to be laminated (recommended laminate thickness: 90-125 micron). The individual cards need to be cut out. Sides not to be laminated: templates Sides or cards to be bound into a booklet: none
Inhalt / Lehrplanbezug Early reading, dog breeds, research in encyclopaedias and animal books
Einsatzmöglichkeiten Possible application in connection with topics or projects such as: pets, dogs, etc. Free work, individual work, pair work, small group work The children can be stimulated to research further using the encyclopaedias, animal books, or the Internet
Vorbereitungen To work with this material, the children require: a floor mat, glue, scissors, writing stationeryv
Arbeitsweise The children can lay out the picture cards and match the names of the breeds to them. They can make their own booklet using the templates. They can either draw the breed themselves, or find pictures in books or on the Internet
Selbstkontrolle For each incomplete card, there is a card with the solutions
Erfahrungen, Tipps, Hinweise The material was designed as a simple introduction/supplementary material to the topic of dogs. Of course, there are a vast amount of books and Internet sites dedicated to the canine species. Models of the dogs are available from the company Schleich (see “Material zu den Hundemodellen von Schleich“)
Artikelnummer 0441010
AutorIn Wolfgang Schmidt
Mitwirkende Review: Beatrice Deveaux, Translation: Paul Read

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