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PLEASE NOTE! When delivered, our products are neither cut nor laminated. The accessories, like perspex boxes, file caskets and so on, that are sometimes shown in the catalogue, were only taken to demonstrate a possible use of our items. They are not part of the item itself and not included
Kurzbeschreibung Mathematics – Geometry
Umfang The material consists of: • A5 control booklet (11 pages) • 10 small photos of the solids and 10 name cards • 10 large photos of the solids for pairing with • 10 definition cards • 50 feature cards (10 x 5 features) • 6 exercise cards • 10 sketches of the solids • 60 photo cards with household objects • 58 drawings with the corresponding solids on the reverse sides • 10 cards with sketches and names • spinning top template • activity pages - template • 6 substitute cards (die, egg, cuboid)
Alter Kindergarten, 1. Schulstufe, 2. Schulstufe, 3. Schulstufe, 4. Schulstufe
Herstellung All of the cards are meant to be laminated (recommended laminate thickness: 90-125 micron). Laminate the 11 pages of the booklet. Trim the edges of the laminated cards, and cut exactly down the middle to get 2 A5 cards. The pairing cards need to be cut out individually. Sides not to be laminated: none Sides or cards to be bound into a booklet: pages 12-17
Inhalt / Lehrplanbezug The children will become familiar with the geometric solids and their properties, so they can work on complex geometry exercises. Recognition of the solids in everyday life
Einsatzmöglichkeiten Possible application in connection with topics or projects such as: geometry, solids, etc. Free work, individual work, pair work, small group work
Vorbereitungen To work with this material, the children require: a floor mat and the geometric solids
Arbeitsweise The children can learn the terms, become familiar with the solids, and talk about their properties (faces, vertices, edges, rolls/tips/both). They can pair the name cards with the picture cards, and attempt the activity cards. They can also compare the solids with everyday objects
Selbstkontrolle The information and control booklet can be used for control of error. On the reverse sides of the cards with the drawings are the corresponding geometric solids. There is no control of error for the photo cards, as the solutions are not always clear, and can be a topic for discussion
Erfahrungen, Tipps, Hinweise This material was designed to be used by children of different ages and abilities. Children aged between 5 and 12 years can work with this material on a number of different occasions. They can build, print, create, match, describe and measure the solids. It is therefore advisable to select only some parts of the material when introducing it to 4-6 year olds. Spinning top game: The spinning top is used to select a random solid. The children must find the matching cards with drawings, the matching photos and/or matching objects in the room. A memory game can also be played with the photo cards and the 10 small square cards with the drawings
Artikelnummer 0421030
AutorIn Wolfgang Schmidt
Mitwirkende Translation: Paul Read

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